
März 2023
Mär 08, 2023
1 Wartungsarbeit

Maintenance on our systems.


Gelöst Mär 08 um 08:56pm CET

We hope you like the update, we had to change a lot in the background, that everything works smoothly.
Please report us the errors.

1 vorheriges Update

April 2023
Keine Wartungsarbeiten
Mai 2023
Mai 09, 2023
1 Wartungsarbeit

Location NTT-FRA1 - Maintenance of Core Switches


Gelöst Mai 09 um 07:00pm CEST

On 09.05.2023 maintenance work will be carried out at the service provider of Venocix. Despite maintenance-tolerant network setup, it is unfortunately to be expected that the firmware update will cause downtime of 15-30 minutes in the time window from 19:00 - 22:00. Due to the very extensive update, it is technically not possible to perform a swing of the systems to the backup carrier switch. The routes via FRA1 must therefore be temporarily relearned, resulting in a temporary disruption.
